It's been 10 months since the BQNP groundbreaking ceremony and the 7 projects that make up the BQNP are progressing well.

Overview of key dates
Promenade: Fall 2020 completion.
Transportation: April 2020 construction start. 2020 completion.
Corleck Building: Summer 2020 Consultation. Late 2020 construction start. Summer 2021 Phase 1 opening.
Plaza: Fall 2020 consultation. 2020 Design. 2021 construction start. Phased opening 2021 (South) and 2022 (North).
Play field: 2020 Design. 2021 construction. Opening 2021.
Streetscape: Fall 2020 consultation. 2020 Design. 2021 construction. Opening 2021.
Silos rehabilitation: Part 1: 2020 Design. 2021 construction start. Part 2: EOI/RFP early 2021.
Below are some of the highlights of the ongoing BQNP projects. Please check out the September 2020 BQNP presentation for a more comprehensive update.

1: Promenade
The old dockwall deck was structurally compromised and fenced off. The structural rehabilitation and expansion of the dockwall is complete. Granite cobblestone installation is now underway with an expected completion date of November 2020.

2: Transportation and site improvements by Ports Toronto
Includes a shared multi-use parking and student pick-up/drop-off area. An improved taxi corral design with reduced footprint and pedestrian improvements and redesigned ‘finger lot’ at Eireann Quay.

Linking old and new spaces and destinations to the water's edge
A tree-lined pedestrian pathway to the historic Malting Silos is in progress. There is also a proposal to include a new ‘portal’ linking Eireann Quay to Portland Slip through the silos.
In progress: seamless connections between the community centre, Martin Goodman Trail,
Ireland Park, Portland Slip and Eireann Quay to a new public space at the water’s edge.

Extending the "waterfront walk" and creating a new public space at the water's edge

3: The Corleck: A Centre for arts & culture by the Ireland Park foundation
Today this building is a derelict former administrative space for the Canada Malting Company. Future plans include a double height performance, gallery and event space connected to the waterfront plaza.

7: Silos rehabilitation
Part 1: Repair scope of work for a new roofing system; Power supply and roof anchor
system; Exterior wall repairs; Heritage Conservation Plan; Removal of perimeter fence; Basement waterproofing; Water and sanitary service investigation (co-ordinated with plaza design and construction); Exploring new connections between the buildings.
Part 2: Repurpose

New Portland Slip cultural programming
Pirate Life: a floating theatre company offering children’s programming and affordable event space for local artists and performers.