Monday, January 22, 2024 The Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood air quality study final report presentation and community engagement workshop. This public engagement meeting is to share final resultsand gather feedback and ideas for reducing air pollution in our neighbourhood. Location: Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre
627 Queen's Quay West at Bathurst
Time: 6:30-9:00 p.m.
You can request a virtual meeting link below if you're unable to attend in person.
The BQNA is wrapping up a two-year study Air Quality Study of our neighbourhood conducted by the University of Toronto, in partnership with Toronto Public Health, City of Toronto Planning Department and Ports Toronto. The reports have been written and reviewed by all representatives of this Community Campus Partnership and the committee is now preparing for a public presentation and workshop to share results and gather feedback and ideas from the public.
Resources on health impacts from air pollution
Public meeting factsheet
Background Information on Health Impacts from Ultra Fine Particles (UFP) and air pollution from fine particles (PM2.5)
The timing of this presentation is particularly important because Toronto City staff is preparing a report and are asking for public deputations to the Executive Committee of City Council on January 30th, 2024 in response to Ports Toronto's request to open up the Tripartite Agreement early rather than when the lease expires in 2033.
The Tripartite Agreement is a 50-year lease created in 1983 for jointly owned lands currently occupied by Billy Bishop Island Airport. It governs how owners, Transport Canada, the City of Toronto and Ports Toronto oversee airport operations. The request comes at this time because of Transport Canada's requirement for all Canadian airports to add safety areas at the end of runways. For the Island Airport, this means substantial cost to infill parts of the lake and harbour to create the required runway extensions.
Information about the Tripartite Agreement and Transport Canada's New Runway Regulations.